Call the Marshall County Highway Department and tell us where the rock is needed. A Supervisor will be sent to evaluate the area and will make repairs as needed on the Marshall County right of ways.
How do I know the right of way of my road?
It is best if you call the Marshall County Highway Department at the number above and ask. Some roads have different right of ways.
My pipe or ditch is stopped up. What can I do?
Call the Marshall County Highway Department and report the problem. We will send a crew to the location and clear it if possible.
What if I need a fence row pushed out?
Call the Marshall County Highway Department. Give your reason for calling, name, number and address. We will then make an appointment for one of our supervisors to meet with you at the location you need the work done. He will, then, give you the date the job can be done if it will justify safety on the roadway.
What if my road sign or stop sign is gone?
Call the Marshall County Highway Department and report the missing sign. We have a crew taking care of this. If we do not have the necessary sign in stock, we will order it.
What steps do I take if there is a pothole on my road?
Call the Marshall County Highway Department and let us know the location. We have crews taking care of these matters daily.
Who do I call if I need to know what size driveway culvert I need?
The Marshall County Highway Department 931-359-4031 can send someone out to size your culvert and advise you on a suitable location for proper drainage of your ditches.
Who do I call to get the sides of the roads mowed?
Call the Marshall County Highway Department. We have the mowers running from April thru November, that have assigned routes.
Who picks up dead animals on county roads?
For livestock only, please call (931) 363-8284. The Marshall County Highway Department does not pick up any type of dead animals. Currently there is no one to call if there is an animal on the road other than those mentioned above.
Why does the highway department work 4 days a week?
We work 4 days per week all year, but this is the cost savings for just daylight savings time (28 weeks):
Utilities saved for 28 days………………………………$ 1, 148.00
Fuel saved for 28 days…………………………………..$ 16,996.00
Wear & tear, tires & maintenance on vehicles (25,200 miles)
Approx. 30 miles per day for 28 employees = 840 miles
Per day x 28 wks. Based on .75 per mile…………….$ 23,520.00
More work can be done during daylight savings time hours. Takes approximately 1 ½ -2 hours to move equip. and still have 8 hrs. Working time to spend on road work. Standard time, having only 6 -6 ½ hours working time after moving of equipment is a waste of 2 hrs. work per day / $759.80 (average pay for 28 emp.) per day x 28 days……..$ 21,274.40
Employees do not get paid any more or less for standard or daylight savings time, as each way equals 40 hours.
Actual amount of County money saved during 1 year……………………..$ 41,664.00
Adding daylight savings time (working hrs. saved )…….$ 21,274.00…......$ 62,938.00